blog Whole30 Day 30 : This is Really the End

Whole30 Day 30 : This is Really the End

9:21 a.m. The best way to stay in touch with Woody is through my Instagram. There is just no way around it. And to continue to read the blogs I post, as I will post many more blogs in my life, make sure you like the Kale & Cigs FB page. Those are the things …

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uncategorized Whole30 Day 29 : Get Ready to Say Goodbye My Friends

Whole30 Day 29 : Get Ready to Say Goodbye My Friends

9:13 a.m. I pooped so hard I wanted to grab it out of the toilet and use it to start building condos. Maybe one of those Pencils of Promise projects in Ecuador or something. Breakfast was as quick as it was small. Have to get out of the house and make my follow-up meeting at …

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uncategorized Whole30 Day 28 : We Discover Chocolate Bars

Whole30 Day 28 : We Discover Chocolate Bars

9:59 a.m. Woody partied his balls off at the park. We weren’t planning on going. We came up to the corner and he peaked over to see all the dogs running wild, then looked at me with a yearning in his eye, and I caved. And after an 18-dog game of fetch, which he was …

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blog Whole30 Day 27 : This Is Us

Whole30 Day 27 : This Is Us

7:54 p.m. When I’m happy, I’m really fun. It’s the reason people keep me around. Sure I go dark a few days every month but I mostly keep to myself and try not to take it out on anyone. We are all carrying around our daily battles and our lifelong battle wounds. But when I’m …

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blog Whole30 Day 26 : Three Straight Nights of Good Sleep

Whole30 Day 26 : Three Straight Nights of Good Sleep

8:08 a.m. I slept well again last night. This could be it. The thing I’ve been waiting for. Sleep is my nemesis and if I start wracking up these peaceful nights with deep rest I think it’s going to change my whole life. I did also think about the different reasons I could use for …

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blog Whole30 Day 25 : Our Dogson is a Narcissist

Whole30 Day 25 : Our Dogson is a Narcissist

8:35 a.m. I am so dizzy this morning. Last night I could have fainted. I experienced my first food dream. Of course, it was nachos. Thousands of them. And every dip you could imagine. Melted cheese, salsa, guacamole. There were dips hanging from the walls and entire tables made of cheese. It was a glorious …

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blog Whole30 Day 24 : Three Quarter Review

Whole30 Day 24 : Three Quarter Review

8:10 a.m. Woody won’t come out and say it but I know he’s pissed he didn’t get a pic up on the blog yesterday. We were starving before bed last night. I started in on a snacking forage and Alexis followed. We were eating food like raccoons. I licked the remains of a squeezed lemon …

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blog Whole30 Day 23 : Scores Of Women

Whole30 Day 23 : Scores Of Women

8:30 a.m. You might be wondering what I’m doing up so early. Well, Alexis has to work. Which is a bummer because she really wanted to go to the Women’s March downtown. So I am going in her place. Also, someone needs to protect these people that have probably never thrown a punch in their …

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blog Whole30 Day 22 : Listen To The Mandolin Rain

Whole30 Day 22 : Listen To The Mandolin Rain

9:59 a.m. Alexis is crying. America has just inaugurated its 45th president. I’m afraid to even open up the internet today. We are talking ourselves into being able to watch his speech. I’d rather be kicked in the balls by a mule. It’s raining again though, which is fitting. I took a long walk this …

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blog Whole30 Day 21 : Alexis Goes To Work

Whole30 Day 21 : Alexis Goes To Work

9:20 a.m. Our back room scored its second victory in as many weeks last night when we sold the IKEA daybed we had disassembled in there. Woody has a stick in the house. You never really know what it is that he’s chewing on. I let him bring stuff in from outside because I like …

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