blog something something love for self love for another something else

something something love for self love for another something else

How many days has it been? I’ll check the calendar. I would ask Alexa but Amazon hasn’t fully integrated her with my Google calendar yet. Some people are afraid of robots. I cannot wait. Cook for me, clean, drive my car, open my mail, read my emails, absolutely. I’ll be watching the sunset and camping …

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500 Words A Day Every Day We Cyclin

Every Day We Cyclin

I keep recounting the entries on my blog hoping today turned out to be 30. But somehow it’s 29. Wtf you guys? I want it to be 30 so badly. I’m tired of having to do this every day. I’ll be honest, it’s not that big of a deal. It takes me 8 minutes to …

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500 Words A Day Old People Love Each Other

Old People Love Each Other

alright peckers. at some point you’ve been in a relationship for so long you’re just praying your partner gets hit by a bus. we’ve arrived at that moment. not sure how many days we have left, i’ll have to ask a person i now trust more than most even though i don’t officially officially know …

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500 Words A Day The Art of Quitting at Everything

The Art of Quitting at Everything

*photo from Perhaps past generations will read this and find me nothing but spoiled and asshole-ish. The conversation I have been having most often with my friends focuses on another doozy – why do we get sick of everything? It’s become an art form – The Art of Quitting at Everything. I’ve wondered forever …

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500 Words A Day From the Top

From the Top

How many times? I really just want to know one thing: If I know what it takes to make myself happy and feel accomplished, why do I try to talk myself out of it every day? I talked to my brother this morning. We are different in so many ways but at the core we …

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500 Words A Day Too Many Things: Do Something

Too Many Things: Do Something

I have a thing for efficiency. I trained myself to sleep without moving so it takes less time to make the bed in the morning. I warm the tea while I pull the oil. I do my Spanish lesson while I stretch. I have 2 computers going at once; one for work and one for …

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500 Words A Day Small Victories Over Gigantic Airlines (United): 500 Words a Day – Day 24

Small Victories Over Gigantic Airlines (United): 500 Words a Day – Day 24

Trying to pay attention to the rest of his story about bass fishing but I see them in the background breaking down the buffet line and they are two trays away from the cookies. After delivering an inspirational piece there’s nothing quite like a conversation from reality: “You should move to Cali, you look like …

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500 Words A Day Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Mad Men finished last month. One of the greatest written television shows in history. He was always talking about moving forward, the universe being indifferent. I have the sense that I should write something nice or funny after yesterday’s angry rage post. But a part of this experiment for me, since I don’t have any …

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500 Words A Day Morning Talk Show

Morning Talk Show

The thumbnail is the worst. Pinky, ring, and middle go down without a fight. Five successive bites and a quick grind file. Index often leaves a hanger but thumb is just a thick bitch. Thoughts of the Early Morning (When You Have to Work). That is a radio show I would listen to. “We’ve got …

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500 Words A Day Barbara.


I’ve got 20 minutes until Le Uber picks me up and takes me to the airport. It seems I am always going to Texas. All these trips and I’ve still never been to Austin. 20 minutes is a significant amount of time. The way I spend my time is also significant. Last night, my friend …

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