Baby Boston: Newborn Baby Photography
Newborn Baby Photography
Alexis and I were talking kids and we were on the 3-5 year plan. I said 3 and she said 5. Then we had a minor scare and now we are on the 5-7 year plan. She says 5 and I say 7.
There’s a lot of stuff they don’t prepare you for when they tell you that having kids is the greatest joy in the world. For starters, there is no more sleep. Like, zero. If you’re awake there’s a good chance you’re thinking, or hoping, that it’s a dream. There certainly aren’t enough brain cells roaming freely to have a single sharp thought or insight. It becomes the game of do whatever you have to do to survive and make sure that baby has everything it needs. That means make-up is out, no more watching your favorite shows at the time of airing, shirt might not be buttoned correctly and you more than likely won’t have time or energy to care, front door doesn’t always remember to be locked, phones aren’t charged, emails stacking up out of control, and the feeling that you’re on top of everything doesn’t even exist in the body anymore.
I can’t say this is true from experience, but it’s what I’m starting to gather the more I see my friends and family raising babies. It’s a fierce blur those first couple weeks after you welcome a tiny little creature into the world. I’m learning that the blur might be by design – because if people could clearly remember this period enough to articulate it to hopeful new parents it might put a dent in the growing population, or at least make those of us on the 5-7 year plan think twice. I mean, who wants to be reduced to a “Milk Machine,” as Greg put it?
But then you hold the little nugget. And the other thing that can’t be articulated until you’re there happens. His little fingers touch your forearm as he lets out a 20 second yawn that has you melting on the floor by the time he is ready to open his eyes. And you look at your significant other and wonder where the nearest hotel vacancy is. Whatever special powers little babies are born with they certainly need. All the work and all the bags under your eyes wouldn’t be worth it for anything other than the tiniest little thing that can fit entirely in the palm of your hand.
Congratulations to two of my very best friends on powering through these next few weeks in order to give Baby Boston the best life and family any child could ever hope for. You are going to be incredible parents.
All photos taken by Alexis and myself. To book your own shoot contact us at kaleandcigarettes@gmail.com