How to Become an Entrepreneur: The Real Story
Working > Thinking
It feels so good to sit down and write out all the things you want to accomplish in your life. Whether it’s a visual map or a vision board or just a list of goals, there’s something emotional and exciting about the experience. The thought that we can actually design our own lives and really be happy.
The problem is, most of us stop there. For a number of reasons. Even though we are entrepreneurial and creative at heart, we sometimes lack the follow up to see an idea through. We are left really wondering how to become an entrepreneur.
You’ll know this is you if:
1) There’s a big difference between your ideal world and your real world
2) You get overwhelmed when thinking about how to spend your time.
3) You’re always thinking about things but not always doing them.
4) You change your mind frequently on how you should be living your life.
Sound familiar?
None of this means you’re a bad person or incapable of feeling fulfilled, it just means that you’re due for a little mindset adjustment.
There are 4 things to think about if you’re ready to move past the dream phase and enter into the productivity stage.
1) Working is better than thinking
2) Discipline actually creates freedom
3) Being overwhelmed is a result of inaction
4) If you want to accomplish something, be clear on what that is
Let’s focus on #1 – Working is better than thinking.
Mentally, we get caught in the trap of over-thinking. ALL OF US. Sure, thinking can be a good thing, but NOT when we convince ourselves that thinking about something is the same as doing it.
Common application of this is something like, “I already know how I feel after a yoga practice, I get what yoga is, I don’t need to practice today.”
Just like that, we’re dead. We join everyone else in the world that stands on the edge of almost being great and thinks, complains, deflects, and avoids any chance of being in the action and learning new things.
It seems easier, safer, and more comfortable.
Easier = Unfulfilling
Safer = Boring
Comfortable = Stagnant
Those are not good things. They are the nemesis to who we are.
The reason it’s better to work (be in action) than to think (sit on our ass) is because the work process itself is responsible for generating new ideas and refining ones we have had in the past.
These revelations and refinements are called iterations. All great ideas that have been manifested in the world go through a series of iterations. They are thrown into real-life application and fine-tuned over time as a result of feedback received throughout the work process.
We can’t learn if we’re not in action.
Everything we want to perfect has to go through a series of trials and errors, or iterations.
First time driving a car.
Accelerate, freak out, slam breaks. Accelerate, freak out, slam breaks. Repeat for 10 more minutes.
Accelerate a little longer, get some momentum, smile, see another car, slam breaks. Repeat 5 minutes.
Accelerate, get to the speed limit, see another car, stay calm, make 4 right turns and arrive back in front of your house, smiling.
From there, you make subtle improvements every time you’re behind the wheel until the point where you can drive to work and not even remember a single thing other than the music on the radio.
This is exactly how being an entrepreneur works. We have to throw ourselves into our work and see what is productive and what is wasteful.
And we have to be ok with that. That’s being a pro.
And all of our ideas have to go through a process of iterations before they are ready to be realized as tangible things.
And that’s what separates thinkers vs doers.
Thinkers are comfortable enough having an idea and talking about it. Sure, idea people are important. But they are scared to take the next steps because they don’t have full faith that they’ll be successful.
Doers aren’t afraid of failing. They are afraid of doing nothing. They know that they are smart, capable, and unique people and their ideas are valid. They also know it takes time to find the one that is going to stick. So they don’t waste time over-thinking things, they get an idea and put it to work. Maybe it lives, maybe it dies, but every second of their life is purposeful because it is preparing them for the moment when they finally break through.
The main reason I wrote this course, Organizing Inspiration, is because there are so many talented people out there that just need the tiniest little push to realize the difference between working and thinking about working.
Once you’ve felt that, truly felt the effects of putting an idea into action, everything about the way you think and spend your time changes.
Yes this course will completely blow your mind and change your entire mindset around how you can actually share your brilliant ideas with the world, but above all, it will make you more confident and more fulfilled as a human. That’s the value. We’re talking about a bunch of high-level, high-functioning people walking the streets believing in themselves and the work they are doing.
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Work Like A Psycho: Organizing Inspiration Course Trailer from kale & cigarettes on Vimeo.