Dancersaurus: Urban Dance Photography with Sarah Navarrete
Dancersaurus (Sarah Navarrete) – An Urban Dance Photography Shoot
modeling by Sarah Navarrete | photos by Kirk Hensler | styling by Sarah Navarrete
Last week Sarah and I got together to talk about a photo project. Sarah is a BRILLIANT dancer but also a resident trouble maker. I have a soft spot in my heart for trouble makers and wanted to see if we could drop the whole beautiful ballerina style and create something a little more, dare I say this barfy word, edgy.
Sarah was so good in front of the camera that I thought perhaps I had become the world’s greatest photographer for a minute. The shoot was efficient and extremely versatile.
I snapped 3000 pics (poor camera) and got the first round of eliminations down to 298. From there it went to 157, then 75, then the final 53.
We shot about 5 looks in as many locations – one location being an abandoned building in East Village that we bribed our way into. We ended up sneaking a 30 foot ladder across a parking lot (after I used my face to keep it from falling over) in order to scale the last remaining wall of this decrepit building so she could pose in a 15’x15′ cut out. My heart raced just as it did when I was an uptight little kid afraid of my dad calling me into the living room to tell me I was being too noisy. But I’m glad we did it because it provided a much needed boost of adrenaline towards the end of a long shooting schedule.
Some real dandies are mixed throughout the blog but my favorite favorites are the last 3 – because they are stunning.
Sarah preferred any shot with hair going wild – referred to as “Hairtography” (SN circa 2014-ish) – so those are in there as well.
What are your favorite shots?
Oh the yelling, what was up with the yelling? Sometimes you gotta let it out. The frustration.
Follow Sarah on Instagram – @riseandreach
Follow Kirk (me) on Instagram – @kirkhensler
Side note – have you ever seen a yoga superhero in real life? I have.
See all 3,000 pics in under 3 minutes below
DANCERSAURUS Timelapse with Sarah Naverrete from kale & cigarettes on Vimeo.
Enjoy the pics!
4 Replies to “Dancersaurus: Urban Dance Photography with Sarah Navarrete”
Brilliant photos!
Wow… these are absolutely stunning. Loved the photo set + the blog + the dancer 😀
thanks Edrian! appreciate it 🙂 she made it easy