Baby Animals That Disco: Day 9
I don’t really know what to write about tonight.
I told Alexis about the threat ISIS put on Malaysia, two of the targets being places we frequent every day while we’re staying here.
I’m not concerned about the danger, I will find a stone on the ground and bash their heads into sloppy joes, but I was afraid of how much she would worry.
Tears in her eyes, immediately.
“Babe, it’s fine, nothing will happen, it’s totally fine.”
Still tears.
“I’ve known for 3 days but I waited to tell you.”
“You didn’t want to tell me while we were arguing?”
“Because you didn’t want to use terrorism as a way to prematurely end the fight?”
“That’s honorable.”
With that we were back in business.
There were a lot of military with machine guns out tonight. Being that close to an automatic weapon is uncomfortable. All they have to do is flip a switch and pull a trigger and my body turns to ground chuck. What is stopping them?
Last night I had a dream that was more like an HD movie. Most of our work crew was there, plus Alexis’ grandma, Judy. We were in the Maldives, my apartment was nice, floor to ceiling windows and view of the teal-blue water. Greg let us know we had to complete a pretty serious obstacle course to get our bonuses. 5g’s when we finished. I didn’t think much of it because I pretty much dominate obstacle courses but it became clear by the look in his eyes that there was something else to this.
That’s when I noticed the armed guards. I was cruising through the course when I saw Judy behind me. They put her on the course. Almost 90. We had to scale a wall with just 1 inch thick wood slabs for our fingers and toes to cling to. Below was dark blue water. Circling the surface were grey fins. Judy wasn’t going to make it, I could see it on her face. I put her on my back and carried her across. Some of the wood wasn’t attached to the wall and I watched friends drop into the water, the water quickly turning red.
We made it through. There was black and white portraits of each of us waiting at the end. I hated mine because 1 they took it from my bad side and secondly I had just gotten a haircut and looked like a square. Everyone elses were better. They were given to us by the men with guns. And then they hit a button and a rocket took off from below sea level. It was a Space X mission that our obstacle course was designed to trigger.
It went up fine and people seemed to stop caring but I kept my eye on it. It took a sudden turn and broke into 2 pieces. The course changed and we all watched it soar over our heads and crash down on the top of the Sempra Energy building in downtown San Diego. People screamed but we were far enough away. All we cared about was that we were safe. Too tired from the course to be vigilant. No one was going out to look for survivors.
Some other nice things happened today and there was a moment when I felt so happy I tried to invent a new dance move.